Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I want clean air!

I can't wait for an end to this administration. This article discusses how the feds aren't letting California have stricter clean air standards than the federal laws. Not only is this a problem for California, but several other states were planning to follow California's lead and will also be unable to if this persists. The whole thing is even more ridiculous because California has a long history of having stricter standards--which really seem needed if we are to get out of the global warming mess. Read this short editorial from NYT about the topic:


MHR said...

So whatever happened to the Republicans being so in favor of State's rights and their view that the States should decide what is right for them and the federal government should not be cramming rules and laws 'down the state's throats'!

kdh said...

great point, d AND mrpi! the hypocrisy is mind boggling, isn't it?!?