Thursday, February 7, 2008

Health News

Huge health news today. A study examining tight control of blood sugars in patients with type 2 diabetes was stopped because more participants were dying of heart attacks. This shocked study researchers because it has been well accepted that better control over blood glucose levels decreases risk of the complications from type 2 diabetes including heart attack. Read more in the NYT today:

I was at a meeting today with some top medical researchers here in SD and it was briefly discussed. One concern is the huge focus in our country on medical treatments, including medications and insulin, for controlling diabetes. This study, however, shows that results with medical treatment are not always as expected; and doctors do not know why. Thus, non-medical interventions such as being physically active could be that much healthier and can help decrease medication use as it lowers blood sugar levels.

1 comment:

kdh said...

c-razy!!!! thanks for sharing the good(?) news. i guess it's good, at least, in the sense that it's a plug for the PA researchers out there! can't wait for your lecture next week, MS PA USA.