Sunday, February 10, 2008


Do you ever have the experience of hearing a song that you loooove at first listen and have no clue where you'll ever find it again or who sings it? I still remember a song my friend and I heard in hip hop dance class, I can still remember the tune on occasion and crave to know who sings it. But that was now years ago and the song is long lost...

Well, I had one of these experiences last week while shopping at Forever 21 with my friend. The lyrics and beat of the song weren't what were memorable at first. It was that, in the front of the store, a young father was holding his son and swaying to the song as he sang it to his little boy, probably as they were waiting for the mom to finish her shopping. It was the cutest thing and it clued me in to listen to what music was playing. Well, on this occasion I was lucky. Just tonight I heard the song on the radio on my drive home and, as rarely happens at least to me, they actually named the song right afterwards...Superstar. I ran home, logged on, opened iTunes and...found it after a short search (there are a lot of songs called Superstar). If you want to check it out the artist is Lupe Fiasco. It is fabulous. He actually has another good song, Daydreamin' with Jill Scott and Kick, Push. I haven't found a hip hop artist I've been excited about in awhile so I was glad to track him down.


kdh said...

hey! i still think the song from hip-hop class was nerd (or at least produced by the neptunes). i just need to search... great post. i actually long for the opposite experience sometimes. where finding who sings a particular song IS NOT at our fingertips. for years, i would have lists of lyrics of songs i was looking for, pre-internet... i miss that. because it was, as you felt, so serendipitous and exciting when you would finally find that special tune. here's to that moment!

Unknown said...

i have to admit, i am a sucker for the immediate gratification that the internet hear a song that you like on the radio, in a store, or on a commercial and you can figure out what it is with just a little bit of digital detective work.

i like the song! thanks for the recommendation! always on the lookout for new tunes.

djd said...

I love how you are such a classic music fan!

From Max:
Hey do' do',

I was reading your blog, the post about having a song in your head etc. Well, whenever that happens and you do find out what the song is there is this great website called Hypemachine ( It condenses all the music posted on like all the music blogs on the web onto one page, so when you type in a search like: "superstar" it'll come up with all the results for artists and song names that have "superstar" in them. You can listen to the music on
the page, or often go directly to the blog and download the song for free (which is legal too...).

Unknown said...

I absolurtely love Lupe Fiasco. His latest album (the one with Superstar) called "The Cool" i think was the best rap album to come out last year. If you like Superstar you will definitely like The Cool.